The 12th Sino-Foreigner Innovation Forum


The Sino-Foreign Innovation Forum for the Chinese and Foreign Postgraduates is jointly sponsored by the Office of Student Work, Graduate School and School of Overseas Education, with the purpose of promoting academic and cultural exchanges between Chinese and foreign postgraduates in our university, broadening international perspectives, creating a multicultural atmosphere, building an internationalized and harmonious campus, and enhancing the international exchange ability of postgraduates, and is held in October every year.

The theme of the forum is to strengthen academic exchanges and experience foreign cultures, and it is conducted in the form of theme reports, oral and poster exchanges, excellent paper evaluation and talent show.

The academic forum is mainly in the form of simulated international academic conferences, for our university's Chinese and foreign graduate students to show their scientific research ideas, research progress, scientific research achievements, the meeting will invite professors of relevant disciplines to give keynote speeches and academic reviews. Certificates will be awarded to the papers of excellent oral presentations and poster exchanges. Through learning, communication, discussion and talent display, the communication and cooperation between Chinese and foreign graduate students will be enhanced, and graduate students will be trained to understand and master academic frontier information, establish international vision and experience foreign cultures. Each student can demonstrate talents such as song, dance, music, calligraphy, instrumental music, etc. All are welcome to actively participate.